Basics of Time Management

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Anyone who is successful in school or business will tell you that time management is important. Whether it’s getting multiple things checked off your “To Do” list or making sure you are prepared to strike when opportunity presents itself, time management is key. How can you be sure you’re using the basics of time management to be your most productive self? There are a few different methods people use to for time management. We’re going to layout out a few here and perhaps you can find a time management style that fits and works for you.


  1. Use Lists – I mentioned a “To Do” list in the previous paragraph because it’s a very common time management method. It’s also an effective one because you can clearly put down on paper what you hope to accomplish and easily see what’s been finished and tasks that have yet to be addressed. Lists are a simple yet, effective method of time management. There are many apps and programs that can help you build lists.
  2. Set Aside Time – Your life has many aspects and you need to set time aside for the things you need to get done and the things you want to be doing. Writing down and adhering to a simple schedule for your day, week, or month can help you ensure that you’re participating and present during each aspect of your life. Make time for work, family, hobbies, exercise and so on. Setting time aside for all these aspects of life will help you maintain balance and therefore help you be more productive.
  3. Prioritize Your Time – Unfortunately, the world does not revolve around us as individuals (although at times it feels that way). So we need to prioritize our time so that we are taking care of the things people are counting on us for. If you need to pick up the kids from school at 3pm or meet a friend to study at that library during lunch, then these dates should take priority over other things on your plate. If you have a deadline for a paper that’s due tomorrow, you should be working on it rather than reading this blog 😉 Having your priorities in order can help you avoid stress.
  4. Don’t ProcrastinateProcrastination can lead to a whole mess of problems. It causes you to rush, which can produce sloppy work, stress and forgetting to complete things all together. Waiting until the last minute isn’t a good idea because you never know what is going to come up. If all your tasks, chores, and duties are complete, it will allow you to be prepared to accept new opportunities when they come your way. If you’re bogged down with work you’ve been putting off, you may miss an awesome chance.


Time Management is key to success. Not one method will work for everyone. However, if we understand the basics or time management, we can choose which method works best for us, implement that method and be on the road to productivity!

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