Ultrasound Careers

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When people hear the word ultrasound, almost always, they assume that it’s referring to an exam that has to do with pregnancy. However, ultrasound technology has a wide range uses across the medical field. There are several other areas of medicine ultrasound can, and does play a big role in locating and identifying medical conditions, ailments and injuries.

If you are considering becoming a certified ultrasound technician, it’s important to know the other types of ultrasound specialties that are out there. Let’s take a look at some of the other areas of medicine where ultrasound imaging is used and give you a quick profile on these jobs.

Musculoskeletal Sonography Salary Range: $40,000 – 84,000
This type of sonographer focuses on muscles, bones and tissues that connect muscle to bone. They often work with physicians and orthopedists in the field of athletics to pinpoint injuries suffered by athletes during practices and games.

Breast Sonography: Salary Range: $42,000 – 87,000

Breast Sonography uses special transducers and frequencies to examine the soft breast tissue. Breast sonography does not use radiation and is considered less invasive than traditional mammograms. However, they are not a substitute for a mammogram, but serve to compliment the images obtained during a mammogram.

Vascular Sonography: Salary Range: $48,000 – 86,000

Ultrasound careers in vascular sonography focus on the vast network of veins and arteries in the body. This type of sonography uses Doppler technology to locate and identify diseases, blockages, coagulations and other issues related to blood flow and circulation.

Echocardiography: Salary Range:  $48,000 – 83,000

This area of medical imaging deals directly with the heart. Ultrasound is used to evaluate function and capacity of the heart. Subsection specialties of this role extend to pediatrics, fetal and adult patients.

These are just a few of the exciting options that await in the field of ultrasound careers. Choose one that best suits you and your passion for helping patients.

For help preparing for your certification exam, call on the experts at Ultrasonic Education. The test preparation materials are presented in a way that’s informative and entertaining. This ensures you’ll better recall the information needed to ace the exam.

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